With sadness we pass on news of the death of these members:
Mr W R Lomas of Clavering, Essex. We thank the new owners of his house for
informing us that he passed away last year.
Mr Ron Percy, in March, aged 85.
Elizabeth (“Peggy”) Drummond-Hay, in December 2021, aged 96. She was a
WAAF Driver during the Second World War, and later, a great supporter of this
Society. An account of her life and RAF service appears elsewhere in this issue, from
her son Robin who will be continuing her membership.
A resignation
Mrs Dianne Sanders writes with regret that she will not be renewing her
membership, as her interest was mainly in support of her brother Christopher
Bradbury, who died earlier this year.
A new address for Mr Howard Sandall, as from June this year:
17 Welland Drive, Bourne, Lincs PE10 0YH
A new member
Mr Kenneth Walker, Alton, Hampshire.
Ken is ex-RAF, involved with maintenance of Vulcan bombers for some of that time,
and is a member of the Blenheim Society.
And . . . . . a retirement
Mary Ghrist will be stepping aside from her roles in this coming year.
Could our new Treasurer and/or Membership Secretary be you?,
We’d hope that within our membership, also their friends and contacts, somebody
would like to continue her work and help to keep our Society running.
Next page: The Stirling Project